Fetal growth restriction is associated with stillbirth, neonatal death and perinatal morbidity. Confidential enquiries have demonstrated that most stillbirths due to fetal growth restriction are associated with suboptimal care and are potentially avoidable. Customised charts (GROW) delineate the Gestation Related Optimal Weight for each baby, by adjusting for characteristics such as maternal height, weight, parity and ethnic origin predicting the growth potential by excluding pathological factors such as smoking and diabetes.
GROW charts
- improve the antenatal detection of fetal growth problems
- avoid unnecessary investigations and
- reduce anxiety by reassuring mothers when growth is normal
The effectiveness of any method used in fetal growth surveillance can be compromised if protocols for standardised fundal height measurement and referral for further investigation are not followed.
This CEC programme incorporates the Perinatal Institutes training and recommendations which underline the impact that fetal growth restriction has on stillbirth rates, and the significant reduction which can be achieved through antenatal detection of pregnancies at risk involving the use of customised growth charts for low risk pregnancies.